Sunday, March 24, 2013

Painting playdate

2 mamas+ 2 babies + fingerprint + yummy gluten free pizza ++ a cold blue moon = a GREAT time for all!! On Saturday we spent the afternoon with our friends Angela and Ella. Ella is almost 10 months so she and Avah are really beginning to play and love each others company. Angela and I always have a good time so in all it was a fun afternoon! Ella has this big toy they can crawl through so Avah had fun with that and she enjoyed trying to eat their doggies food. Towards the end they were both getting tired so they were talking and yelling up a storm at each other which was really cute! It's so nice having a friend on this journey with. I think it's so important having mama friends to share all the interesting tid bits of motherhood with..

Today has been rainy so we did our usual Sunday morning breakfast at sears landing and have vegged out all day!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

First Birthday!

I still can't believe it's been a year...this past weekend we celebrated with a Tea Party. A huge thanks to my family for traveling from Ohio and helping me decorate! I ordered some of the decorations from etsy ( bday banner, high chair banner and Pom poms) I made the food labels and ordered cupcakes from coastal cupcakes here in Wilmington. We had chicken salad, fruit/ cheese and pea salad and of course pink lemonade and tea with honey and orange slices.
At one Avah is 29 in and 20 lbs. the doctor said she had a really great "disposition" she was waving, all smiles and asking to be held the entire visit. While we were in the waiting room she wouldn't stop smiling and laughing at everyone. She is so happy and very out going. She is also very determined and strong willed. I can say she pretty much seems to have the best of both of us. Its amazing how much she can problem solve already, smart cookie. She understands "no thank you" and understands things we say to her like come here. We try to say no thank you in hopes she wont yell NO!! at us LOL Her bedtime routine is pretty much the same. Always to sleep by 7 and wakes sometimes once during the night. She loves giving the dogs, us & her baby dolls kisses. She continues to love finger foods and this week we started some chicken which she seems to like. We are transitioning to whole milk and she stopped breast feeding last week. Hard to believe at 3 months I almost gave up and now it's over.. Those 12 months went so fast.. Trying to savor every stage!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I think this might be it. It's been 2 days now and Avah has not even tried to nurse. Usually at bed time she always wants to nurse right before bed until this week. She just stopped! I lay her down, turn on her lullaby music and she's out! I really thought I'd nurse until the summer at least once a day but if she isn't pushing it then I guess I'll let go - haha. Her party is this weekend and I am so excited! It's been a lot of planning- we are going with a tea party. Not really baby friendly but I figured she has her life to make me do tacky themed cartoon parties! I have balloons ordered, cupcakes ordered ( yeah I'm the mom that does not make a bday cake)Mimi's tea cups/saucers on their way and cutesy decorations!

She's already obsessed with the car we got her. In fact we put it in the garage bc she would've leave it alone!