Monday, February 24, 2014

Our girls

We've been BUSy! Between keeping a toddler content and having fun + feeding/diapering/dr appts of a new baby time is flying by! Addy had her 2 week check up, she weighed 7lbs and 6 oz. Great weight gain, I was told to keep up what I'm doing! Addy has a lite bit of a schedule already... She's wide awake by 7am and stays up for a few hours- she'll cluster feed a little. Then she eats/ naps on and off till the evening. At that point same thing cluster feed a few hours and then to sleep. She sleeps anywhere from 2-4 hrs, nurses and then right back to sleep. Let's hope she continues these good habits!! :) she loves to be held and her sister loves to hold her!
Avah is slowly adjusting.. She either wants to be all about her or wants to throw a fit when I'm nursing or can't hold her. It's def been a challenge but everyday is getting better. She hasn't felt really good with molars coming in so I'm sure that has a lot to do with the "fits" we've been keeping her busy with the park, playing outside, children's museum and hullabaloo. We also have a horse staying behind us that she got to ride too! Trying to give her that one on one attention..

Monday, February 10, 2014

Adalyn Rose is here!

One word for Addy's birth story- FABULOUS!! Ahh never thought I'd use that word in regards to labor after my first experience but it was! It began on Tueaday at midnight with my water breaking.. Same response from David " are you sure you didn't pee" ( then he laughs because he knows it's a joke now) I try to tiptoe out of Avah's room where I was sleeping.. Fail. So Avah is awake now and to her " I'm leaking" everywhere. We contemplate calling the dr because I wasn't having contractions. David talks me into it because it's clear now Avah isn't going back to sleep until we get out of the house. I speak to Dr Pierson. She urges me to get there quickly because the second time is faster. We leave at around 1am once Nana arrives and get to the hospital at 2am. At this point contractions felt like severe cramps but I could walk. We stop by Krisy Kreme because I was starving and feared I wouldn't be able to eat for the next 12 hrs. We arrive and they put us in a triage room. I'm only 1 cm but yet each time a contraction came on I was clinching the bed rail, breathing hard and thinking" I can do anything for a min" I've got to get through this! David tried to rub my feet a few times I shook my head, I was in a zone of getting through the pain but at the same time feeling am I a wuss because if I'm only 1 cm I don't think I'll make it without some meds. 20-30 mins passed by and then I'm screaming to David " Baby is coming!!! Get someone!!" David pushes the red button and 10 people flood in.. I'm 8 cm! Dr rushes in, they hurriedly wheel my bed to a delivery room, prop up the stir ups Dr. Pierson says next contraction push! I push and there she is!!! WOW, what an incredible feeling!! One push?!? 
To think I had been stressing earlier in the day because Dr said I was "closed" and they scheduled me an induction date. I was so upset.. Shows them what they know. 
I had some very uncomfortable minor complications weeks 36-38ish. Then 2 amazing weeks of Avah and mommy time. God has such an amazing way of working things out. Had Addy came early like I wanted Avah and I wouldn't of had so much fun together! We are beyond blessed to have these healthy angels and that is not to be taken for granted. Now we begin to settle as our family of 4. :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Avah's last few weeks of being the "only child"

So after I was put on medical leave I was pretty bummed because there was a good 2-3 weeks of not being able to fully enjoy play with Avah. I wanted days where we could do lots of special things with her before the big day! After I started feeling better we have certainly made the most of each day and it has been perfect!

We have-
Made Valentines Day crafts
Played with play dough
Played at Hullabaloo
Had many fun park visits
Played in the snow {2 full snow days} :) 
Gone out to breakfast {just us}, lunch and dinner! YUM!!
Played at Power of Play
& today went golfing! Wow, a lot has been crammed into a week or so!

Where is Adelyn?! All this running around plus walks and cleaning.. Still waiting.. Already the opposite of big sister who was born at 38 weeks. We are now one day short of my DD. I guess the longer she hibernates the better, maybe she's waiting for warmer weather?! Ha!
Here are some pics of all of fun!