Tuesday, May 29, 2012

1st trip to the beach

11 weeks 4 days

We were so excited to take Avah for her first trip to the beach Memorial Day weekend. I was waiting until she was at least 2 months old because her eyes seemed so sensitive to light the first few weeks..and she had to grow into her beach hat! I am being extra caution with sunscreen, her hat is spf 50 and I am ordering a Coolibar bathing suit..(I worked for a dermatologist before teaching so I am going to be a freak with my baby!!!) We also kept her under the tent the entire time haha :)

New News About Avah:
-She has found her hands and frequently tries to put them in her mouth. Occasionally she will suck her thumb for a few seconds but then makes a really yucky face.
-If I make sounds she will mimic me, not the exact sound I make but its like she is having a conversation with me. love it!
-A few nights she has fell asleep on her own. I have been nursing her to sleep but I read last night it might be a good idea to lay her down while she is drowsy but not awake...and ironically she has started doing this on her own.
-Mommy & Daddy are still in the guest room...just cant bring myself to be that far away while she is sleeping yet...so I guess this is old news :)
-She is still refusing the bottle...it is a work in progress..

Friday, May 25, 2012

11 weeks & 1 day :)

Mommy and Avah- evening cuddle time
We had Avah June's 2 month appointment last week. Her current stats: 22 inches and 12.5 lbs. Our baby is growing like a weed! I love how chunky her arms and thighs are getting, Ive become a sucker for the baby rolls. They are just too sweet! 
A friend of mine introduced us to the "miracle blanket". It has been wonderful, its so easy to swaddle her in, she stays put all night ( no more cold arms in the night) AND it helps her sleep even longer (most nights). It was the best buy everrrrrr.I would say 5 out of 7 nights she is asleep by 8:30 and will wake around 4am and then up for the day by 7am. I cannot complain! The other 2 nights she wakes around 2 then again at 5 and 7. 
Avah is interacting more and more...smiling and cooing when we talk to her. I think she loves male voices..if she is upset and hears David or one of his friends she instantly stops and stares at them. She still gets mad at car rides, screams for a good 5 or 10 mins, wearing herself out into a deep sleep. Im pretty sure she does it because she wants to b held or wants to see my face. Yes Im spoiling her by holding her a lot! Oh well, loving a baby too much cant be bad right?! This week we went over to the beach to watch Daddy surf, she was asleep in 5 mins.. :) So I put her in the stroller and we walked to the coffee shop. Im drinking at least 1 cup a day & it doesn't seem to affect her. She still naps...sleeps at night so Im excited I get coffee back into my life! 
Oh! & Avah moved to her crib...we are currently in the guest room to be close though..I dont like that our bedroom is on the other side of the house..maybe I will when she is 13 but not yet ;)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My 1st Mother's Day

Being a mommy to Avah June is the best job in the world. She is truly such a blessing, I love her to pieces! Most of the time I just stare at her thinking how could I ever love something so much.....I want her life to be PERFECT (although I know shell have heart breaks and life isnt perfect) I cant imagine my life without her..what was my life before? If you ask me it was nothing..nothing is as important or amazing as she is.The going out..the friends prior to pregnancy ( b/c most fell of the edge of the Earth when i couldn't be "fun" anymore) There isnt anything that means as much as she does. There isnt anything as important as my family anymore either, the strong connection and meaningfulness of our relationship that David and I are experiencing now is on another level.

To celebrate Mother's Day we had lunch with my MIL and David's grandparents. Avah and Daddy got mommy a really sweet card, lavender roses and a 1 hour massage :) I feel like a lucky mommy!

Avah June
Can I also point out how stinkin' cute her romper is?!? I'll say it once again Im in love with Gap baby clothes! However I am NOT in love with the cost of diapers & how many we go through. Thinking of the cloth diapers again...

Monday, May 7, 2012

18 pallets of sod later......

So the spring project thus far has been completing yard work that we did not get to finish when we moved in..so David has been REALLY busy each morning and afternoon...here is what it looks like so far. We have grass along with some plants in the backyard. :) (I am very scared to open our water bill this month) and we will have a completed sidewalk by this weekend.

Friday, May 4, 2012

my baby is 8 weeks already :(

Time is going way too fast! I cant believe it has been 8 weeks already, I only have May, June & July left to spend all day with Avah. This makes me very SAD :( Im trying to look at the bright side, most people go back to work after 6 weeks but its so hard. We are having so much fun together and have established a routine. I dont want this to end in August. She is so smiley and happy 99% of the time..of course there are evenings where she is a bit fussy but those are few and far between these days. Last night we ate at camino real with my sister Susan and Jonah. At first she was wide awake and looking all around...then after about 20 mins I fed her and she was asleep the rest of dinner. AND YES I did bf at the table, in public, no shame. I had a blanket over me but Ive decided I am not running to my car every time she is hungry just to please other people. If someone doesnt like it then dont look or better yet get some help because bfing is seriously the most natural, amazing experience Ive ever had. It is such a unique bonding experience between us, I just LOVE it. :)

So our schedule these days looks like this:
Up by 8am for the day
eat, diaper, get dressed
she usually will go back to sleep for about 30mins, I get dressed and get ready.
eat again
stroller ride with the dogs around our neighborhood
then we usually go somewhere-farmers markets, shopping, errands!
she will sleep for a few hours in the afternoon
bath around 6-7
sleep by 9:30
wakes up at 1am and 4am

of course she eats about 100s in between all of that :) 

Again, I cant say it enough this is the best "job" in the world. Avah is so amazing and wonderful to us. She makes me smile everyday, 100 times over.  

We are looking forward to a visit in Ohio in June <3
I also got a mommy hair cut this week, LOL. its short but its so refreshing for summer :)