Time is going way too fast! I cant believe it has been 8 weeks already, I only have May, June & July left to spend all day with Avah. This makes me very SAD :( Im trying to look at the bright side, most people go back to work after 6 weeks but its so hard. We are having so much fun together and have established a routine. I dont want this to end in August. She is so smiley and happy 99% of the time..of course there are evenings where she is a bit fussy but those are few and far between these days. Last night we ate at camino real with my sister Susan and Jonah. At first she was wide awake and looking all around...then after about 20 mins I fed her and she was asleep the rest of dinner. AND YES I did bf at the table, in public, no shame. I had a blanket over me but Ive decided I am not running to my car every time she is hungry just to please other people. If someone doesnt like it then dont look or better yet get some help because bfing is seriously the most natural, amazing experience Ive ever had. It is such a unique bonding experience between us, I just LOVE it. :)
So our schedule these days looks like this:
Up by 8am for the day
eat, diaper, get dressed
she usually will go back to sleep for about 30mins, I get dressed and get ready.
eat again
stroller ride with the dogs around our neighborhood
then we usually go somewhere-farmers markets, shopping, errands!
she will sleep for a few hours in the afternoon
bath around 6-7
sleep by 9:30
wakes up at 1am and 4am
of course she eats about 100s in between all of that :)
Again, I cant say it enough this is the best "job" in the world. Avah is so amazing and wonderful to us. She makes me smile everyday, 100 times over.
We are looking forward to a visit in Ohio in June <3
I also got a mommy hair cut this week, LOL. its short but its so refreshing for summer :)
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