Thursday, June 4, 2015

Update on the girls.. Spark.. & life!

So Addy is 16 months tomorrow! Whoa can't help but think how Avah was this age when we got pregnant with our little love bug! Oh my! 
Addy has 4 teeth on the bottom, 4 on top and just cut one in the back.
She loves: black beans, eggs, strawberries, French fries.. her paci and anything her big sister has.
She says: mama, dada, uh oh, yes, one two threeeeee ( just like that), and a lot of random words we are trying to figure out.
She sleep: every night 7p-7a.. Can we say fan-freakingtastic
She likes to: be read to, play chase, play kitchen, carry around babies and dance/listen to music. Go OUTSIDE
We have no idea how big she is bc well she is the second and we just haven't made that 15 mo check up :/ 

Avah is just a comical little threeager. Seriously she is so smart and sweet and then bam her shirt is on the wrong way, freaking out. Bless her heart.. 
She loves playing barbies, art and dancing. I love how she sings in the back seat and loves to get dirty outside. She is so so sweet and I love when she says "Avah June Longo" when you ask her name. It's never just Avah. lol 
She is starting to write letters, she's got A and H down. 
One day she likes grilled chicken the next won't touch. Lately I feel like I can't find anything she loves to eat :/ 

Today was like this----▶️
Out the door to the orthopedic dr with girls
Park time
Lunch time
Play time
Made a smoothie with strawberries, banana, Greek yogurt, ice and SPARK (tell u about that later)
2 loads of clothes, change sheets, made beds
Snack time
Outside time, cleaned car
Bath time
Dinner time
Bedtime for Addy
Cleaned, mopped floors
Cut grass ( yep, for the first time in 3yrs..)
Bed time for Avah
Shower myself 

Woooweee, seriously all in days work plus calling around all day to contractors for the new restaurant in between all that.  But I will tell you my new drink gives me so much energy. I'm not even sluggish or tired! It's called spark by advocare and you need it in your life! 
This is just an average day. What I love about it is I get to kiss, hug and squeeze on my babies all day! I get to teach them about love and respect and how to use their words. My days might be filled with diapers, feeding them and making them happy but for me giving my family 120% is the best feeling ever. Wouldn't change a thing. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Schedule these days

Both girls are up around 7:30
On Tues/Thurs Avah goes to school 
So we are out of the door by 8:20
Usually I take Addy to the gym and to run errands but today we went to HT (groceries) and came back to the house
With the warmer weather I'm trying to make more time to walk the dogs. I feel so bad when they have to lay around he house all the time! 
After we walked the dogs, I cleaned the 2 weeks worth of goldfish trampled in my car :)
Addy played outside a bit. 
David happened to come home for lunch so I left to get Avah right after I got addy down for a nap. She napped 11:15-12:30.
Once Avah and I got back I made them lunch. They played inside a while. David went back to work at 2:30 so we headed outside.. These girls love to be outdoors.. We went for a short walk, played with chalk, they both took turns swinging and Avah played on her little plastic play gym.
We came back in around 4.. I started to make dinner. Girls played inside some more. They ate around 5.. After dinner Avah wanted to play upstairs.. Then around 6 they got baths.. And ready for bed. Avah watched nick jr from 6:45-7:30. Addy went to sleep at 7 and after Avah's cartoon I read books to her and she was out by 8! whew! On days Avah does not have school I'll take them to the park, beach, gym, library, or a play place. But most days we go somewhere.. Maybe one day a week we just hang around the house but those days can be longggg so I try to keep them busy! 

Monday, March 30, 2015


Avah is loving soccer PRACTICE.. Games on the other hand are taking some adjusting to. First, the games are at 8:30.. We barely roll out of bed, rush around to get everything on and together and almost never make it on time lol so game mornings haven't been smooth yet! The first game she kicked the ball, boy took the ball. Avah crossed her arms, pouting. She didn't even know that was coming haha! Second game "mama I'm cold" hands in pockets, barely chasing the ball.. By the end she was warmed up and trying so we will see how it goes next game! She loves practicing though, coach Melissa makes it fun and entertaining. Holds her attention the entire time. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Avah is 3!

We celebrated a little early (last weekend) while my parents were here for g'parents day. Avah had a very special weekend, started with both sets of grandparents spoiling her at the preschool book fair. Her fav book- izzy the ice cream queen & I like myself! Both really cute stories. Then we had neighbors, family and friends over for cake & lunch on Saturday! On her actual birthday we went to Mayfaire for lunch, the bookstore and played outside! 

Avah ism as of this week...
Girl loves clothes.. 
Also loves pjs.. Pjs might be considered clothes on certain days
Puzzles! Her "quiet time" activity while addy naps
Barbie everything!
Soccer! She loves running- if we go on a walk she says she is exercising and wants to run lol. So she started this past week. Hope she loves it!
She loves being outside, drawing with chalk, digging or pushing addy in the little
She knows her letters, numbers, starting to write A for her name, her address & state she lives in. 
She draws really cute smiley faces & corrects me everytime I leave out the nose. :) 
She breaks out in Spanish at the weirdest times, thanks Dora. Once she was on top of David's back riding him like a horse and said abajo (sp) for "up" 
She's funny and sweet & in touch with feelings.. She asks how "Gigi is feeling" says " she has plenty of toys" I swear she  is like an old soul in this little tiny body. 
 Dresses herself head to toe including no help with her coat/shoes/socks. She's persistent at doing everything herself!!! 

Three is going to be fun! I know some say it's harder but the more independent  and willingness to learn -the better! The meltdowns are very few and far between, looking back her hardest part was the beginning of two which could of been do to the new baby sister, who knows but for everyone I'd say that was the hardest! I

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A YEAR??!! Already??!!

So Adalyn will be one in just a week- this truly has been the fastest year of my life. Even when I think back to her birth- labored maybe 30 mins, pushed once.. In and out of the hospital in maybe a day and half.. It was ALL fast and a blur. I certainly don't want our entire life with these two to go by in a blink of an eye like everyone says it will! 
Addy is sweet and very sensitive- she will cry if you tell her no & if she barely bumps her head.
She is curious and brave--she will crawl to other rooms leaving us behind.. She is more cautious when it comes to walking.. Taking a couple steps then goes to her knees. Shes a content baby. She will already play by herself. She loves books just like Avah. She loves pasta just like Avah too. She is the best sleeper. She is smiley and friendly, waves bye-bye. Loves to imitate everything we do, picks up the phone says hello. Bath time is always a favorite! 
She is the perfect "little sister" I know God knew what he was doing when he gave her to us! She is easy, she is a sleeper and she can easily adjust to any surroundings. In just her first year we stayed in Ohio (2 diff places, 4 trips) & FL (2 diff places) and she did amazing all times! We love you Adalyn Rose!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Overall update (really need to get better at this!)

So Christmas was awesome! Avah was really into it this year and addy just loved playing with all the paper. 
Avah started talking about baby Jesus and wanted to play with the breakable navity set so we are got her one of the little people navity sets (girl is obsessed with LP) she started naming off all the people. Played with it non stop for 3 weeks. It was really sweet and I'm so happy she kinda understood that we were celebrating something.. It wasn't all about gifts. 
A week later we drove to Ohio, spent the week at Mimi and Papa's.. Got to play in the snow & with the little Amish girls! David and I even snuck away to a cabin for the night- then we realized we should've done that 2 yrs ago :)  It was snow covered, hidden in the trees quaint little spot with a hot tub, cable & heat! Yay!
Addy is eating anything and everything- getting into everything & loves giggles and smiles. She is just an easy, happy baby! This week she started interacting with the dogs more, feeding and laying on them. She loves wrestling with Avah and climbing into her big PB chair, jumping up and down.. Giving me an almost heart attack! She sleep 7-7:30.. Neve hear a peep from her and naps twice a day. Now I know what it feels like to have an amazing sleeper! Love it! 

Funny things Avah says:
"Mommy can I talk to you?" 
"I love mommy, addy loves daddy"
Pronounces helmet=helmic cabinet=cabnic