Thursday, June 4, 2015

Update on the girls.. Spark.. & life!

So Addy is 16 months tomorrow! Whoa can't help but think how Avah was this age when we got pregnant with our little love bug! Oh my! 
Addy has 4 teeth on the bottom, 4 on top and just cut one in the back.
She loves: black beans, eggs, strawberries, French fries.. her paci and anything her big sister has.
She says: mama, dada, uh oh, yes, one two threeeeee ( just like that), and a lot of random words we are trying to figure out.
She sleep: every night 7p-7a.. Can we say fan-freakingtastic
She likes to: be read to, play chase, play kitchen, carry around babies and dance/listen to music. Go OUTSIDE
We have no idea how big she is bc well she is the second and we just haven't made that 15 mo check up :/ 

Avah is just a comical little threeager. Seriously she is so smart and sweet and then bam her shirt is on the wrong way, freaking out. Bless her heart.. 
She loves playing barbies, art and dancing. I love how she sings in the back seat and loves to get dirty outside. She is so so sweet and I love when she says "Avah June Longo" when you ask her name. It's never just Avah. lol 
She is starting to write letters, she's got A and H down. 
One day she likes grilled chicken the next won't touch. Lately I feel like I can't find anything she loves to eat :/ 

Today was like this----▶️
Out the door to the orthopedic dr with girls
Park time
Lunch time
Play time
Made a smoothie with strawberries, banana, Greek yogurt, ice and SPARK (tell u about that later)
2 loads of clothes, change sheets, made beds
Snack time
Outside time, cleaned car
Bath time
Dinner time
Bedtime for Addy
Cleaned, mopped floors
Cut grass ( yep, for the first time in 3yrs..)
Bed time for Avah
Shower myself 

Woooweee, seriously all in days work plus calling around all day to contractors for the new restaurant in between all that.  But I will tell you my new drink gives me so much energy. I'm not even sluggish or tired! It's called spark by advocare and you need it in your life! 
This is just an average day. What I love about it is I get to kiss, hug and squeeze on my babies all day! I get to teach them about love and respect and how to use their words. My days might be filled with diapers, feeding them and making them happy but for me giving my family 120% is the best feeling ever. Wouldn't change a thing. 

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