Friday, April 27, 2012

7 weeks, 1 day!

Mimi came to visit this week and boy did we have FUN! Avah has been smiling and cooing SO much as soon as Mimi held her she gave her a grin, it was too cute! :)

Since Avah is becoming more alert and aware of her surroundings we did a little shopping. I got her a baby einstein dvd which she will watch for the entire 28mins...she must have a good attention span. The dvd plays mozart music and shows reall bright vibrate colors. I also got her some soft rattle blocks so we can work on her grip. Mimi got her a dog that plays ABCs and songs too! Mimi also got her so more things for her room...I never completely finished the nursery because I was taking my time to find just what I we found a lamp and a few baskets for storage.

I am having so much fun with her, she is getting on a sleeping schedule...bath between 6-7, asleep by 9:30. Then she wakes up around 1am and 4am..goes back to sleep for anywhere around 7-9am. Then she is up for the day and will take a few naps throughout the afternoon. We just love her to pieces!!! Most days I put her in bed with us if she wakes up around 7am just to cuddle and talk to her...she is truely such a blessing.

While my mom was here D and I went out for a date night. As David was driving he looked in the backseat for it felt REALLY weird not having her in the car with us...but we did have a great time. Mostly talked about Avah and how we are so thankful for our little family.

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