Monday, December 23, 2013

Lights, Tree, Presents {were ready!}

Airlie Gardens was a blast! We are making this annual Christmas  tradition- perfect for all ages esp with a toddler who loves to run and watch trains! 
We have also been frequenting Hullabaloo Play once a week due to some really cool weather {that has changed now } a Avah loves her "play place" as she calls it. Whenever we drive through hampstead she calls out "play place" and when we don't stop she throws a fit for a good 10 mins, fun! 
She is also referring to the baby in mommys tummy as "Addy Rose" yes we finally decided Baby L2 will be Adalynn Rose... We are still unsure how we are going to spell it but that's one option. 
Speaking of, pregnancy has been smooth thus far. However I'm experiencing severe pelvic pain this time around. So bad most nights I can barely walk and it hurts to lay down or sit. Maternity shirts are tight and there is never anything to wear! I'm ready to have my body back! 

Avah has been such a good little helper as you can see she is already helping with dishes :) 
New things this week:
She says one and hold one finger, now two and holds up 2 fingers
She can identify the color blue..
She knows practically every nursery rhyme- I say baa baa... She says yes yes before I get to the yes sir part. For twinkle little star she says are and up right before the song too. I could go on.. And all songs have some hand movement or little dance. 

Friday, December 13, 2013


So as we are doing bath time one night I ask Avah about her school day.. The usual questions did your teacher read a book?.. Did you play with Lila? Etc.. And then Avah says "amen!" Oh did you say amen at snack time? She nods her head yes and closes her hands. Now on during bathtime mostly on school days she'll say amen many many times. It's the cutest!
Trying to remember prayers at mealtimes-- having babies def makes you want to be a better person.

At her 21 month appt she was 24 lbs and in the 80% for height, shocking to us!
New avahism-->
She will not sit with Santa, we've tried twice. Just gives a polite wave from 6 ft away.
She loves hummus
She pushes chairs to the counter, light switches and door locks {she can unlock them too} awesome.
She tries to dress herself but still needs some help.. Very frustrating for a determined little girl!
She will say one and hold up one finger when you ask her age
She loves ring around the Rosie and will perform if your happy and you know it
Every morning I live for work she has to stand with Dada at the door and hear me go beep beep.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chill Weekend

Complete with a trip to the park and beach {followed by mommy getting pulled for 5 month expired tags} I guess you could say I have other things in my mind-ha! We moved furniture into the nursery--go daddy! Had a little play date with our cousin. Avah's new thing this week- she says one and holds up one finger! Her teacher also said she is a repeater and her speech is good for her age :) so we better watch what we say!!!

Her favorite thing is still her hand on my chest at bedtime followed by books, I finally got a picture to capture it.. So sweet.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Our love bug is 20 mo and Halloween!

This year Avah wore an angel costume for her favorite biblical character to preschool. She looked very sweet & her teacher Mrs Ingles was an angel too! which by the way, I am so impressed with school thus far. Avah loves going, what more can I ask for?! She comes home singing new songs and talking about what her teacher does. Mrs. Ingles also called me to just give an update since I don't see then much. I also love the artwork that's been added to our home:)
She trick or treat she dressed a a cheerleader & has "go bucks" down pat! Woohoo!
She weighs 24 lbs and is in the 31% for weight and 80% for height. She continues to love books and being on the go. Her newest thing is talking all about baby and gaining a big girl bed in her room!
At 27 weeks Baby L2 is happy and growing! Passed the glucose test and can see her little kicks outside my tummy now. Life is good.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our weekend

Consisted of shopping and the festival at Poplar Grove...
New a Avah-ism..
Loves to crawl into the dryer.
She says lawn mower, Elijah and Zack very clear, her hand is always on my heart when I hold her..the past few nights shes requested to fall asleep on the couch. Everything is always changing! I don't fight it she's still asleep in 10 minutes and out by 8 then I move her.. And tonight was really sweet watching her lay beside David and fall asleep :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Weekend

Why I LOVE the...
-extra snuggles with Avah since I'm not rushing to get her to sleep
-laying around in jammies all morning while it rains
-enough time to take lunch to Granny
-Power of Play time and lunch at Chick-fil-a
-play date with Ella at the park
-mommy and me dinner at sears landing
-no fits or crying as I finagle putting myself together for work at 6am {daddy can't even help, all she wants is mama}
-no crying or fits at 5 as I'm always on solo dinner duty with a little one who has missed mama all day
I'd do anything for a 24/7 weekend life ...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Can't get enough of..

We snagged this awesome deal from a friend! Love some hand me downs! This is currently Avah's favorite toy, her new kitchen set :)
I got to do what every working mommy wants to do today, take and pickup my baby from school. Oh I wish I could do this everyday.. She looked so sweet and happy as they walked her out. She is really loving school, her teacher seems wonderful and I'm so glad I finally got to meet her today!

I love this time of year and seasonal decorating! Our front porch is ready to greet all those cute trick or treaters!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It's a girl & we started preschool!

Avah is going to have a little sister in February! We are very excited to have 2 sweet little girls! My appt went well baby L2 is healthy weighing 11 oz right now, I have gained 10 lbs thus far and I'm entering 20 weeks tomorrow! I feeling little butterfly kicks but the nurse said the placenta is in front which adds more cushion and makes it a little harder to feel kicks early on. Avah doesnt quite understand what is happening but loves on her doll babies all the time so hopefully ahell treat the new baby just the same :)
More new news...
Avah started pre 2 preschool and loves it! She goes two days a week for a few hours. When I asked her if her teacher read books she put her finger to her mouth and said shhh, such a smart girl haha

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

And the other half of Summer..

We've had fun going to nephew Elijah's surf contests, mud day at the museum + lots of other museum trips {lots of rainy days} play dates with Ella and friends, Poplar Grove farmers market and animals, daily bikes rides to see the neigh neigh "horse" and of course practicing lots of golf! :)

We also got out the potty just to see how Avah would do and she peed multiple times and went poo!! After a few days she seemed to lose interest so we didn't push it.. And quite honestly I don't think I'm ready!

Mama even got to enjoy a beach day all to herself with friends! Although i love chasing my munchkin around it was so very relaxing! David and i also got an entire Sunday to ourselves recently (yay!!) so we headed to the Port City Ribfest and caught a movie!

I still want to drive down to the aquarium but we may be going to MB for Labor Day so I might wait.. Either way I've so enjoyed all this amazing quality time with my baby girl. <3

Friday, July 26, 2013


My niece Jessica and I took Avah to the Columbus Zoo this week. She's really into making the animal sounds but the only one shed make there was the monkey sound :) She had a blast, wasn't into riding in the stroller ... This is becoming a problem ad I see now why parents use leashes haha. We are working on holding hands but she just wants to run. Luckily the zoo had plenty of toddler sized playgrounds so she was able to get some energy out! What a fun day!