Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Not again

The great bottle battle.. So basically when Addy was 4 weeks I tried to offer pumped bottles- she always refused. I chose to exclusively breastfeed because I do love everything about it.. Only that I can't go far but internally I kept thinking this might be my last baby so I'm going 100% exclusive and I just quit trying the bottle... I'll get my "me" time in a year.  Well the older Addy gets we can't help but notice how tiny she is compared to others. So we made another appointment and wouldn't ya know she isn't even on the charts anymore- like a neg percentile ( if that exists) I know this issue isn't unheard of but this is one example of how completely stressful motherhood can be that no one tells you about. It took all my emotional power to
Not break down right there when she says your not giving her enough calories she has to supplement. All bc I knew what was ahead- lots of crying! And to be honest I've been okay with exclusively bfing and wouldn't trade it for the world! I guess I'm just not ready for it to be over, this sucks! 
So I'm out having one on one with Avah- which I'm super excited about! While hoping Addy is at home getting use to a bottle with formula :/ ugh!! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mommy & Avah morning

Addy gets her one on one time with mama every tues and thurs while Avah is in preschool. So I'm really trying to make time in each week for just me and my big girl. Each night after addy goes to sleep we at least get 30 mins but that's usually spent brushing teeth and reading books. On Friday I had my MIL come over so we could just have some fun! First we went to the beach then the park and lastly for ice cream & coffee! Avah is growing up so fast and each day I swear she gets smarter! On the way home we passed by a rental my mom and aunts stayed in months ago & says " I want to go to Mimi's!" I explained that was just a rental- so on the way to school I pointed down 210 that goes to 40 and said remember we took that road really really far to Ohio, that's where Mimi is.. And wouldn't you know today in the car she points down 210 as we drive by and says " go to
Ohio" I'm beginning to think she has a very picturistic memory. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Addy 6 mos (really late) & Avah starts school!

Addy at 6 mos weighs 12 lbs13 oz... She's a teeny tiny babe! This was at her check-up a month ago. Between then and now she's started crawling, eating yogurts dips,avacado along with lots of baby food. I haven't found anything she hasn't liked this far. She loves playing with Avah's phone that has the strong and you pull it. She also loves listening to the guitar. 
We spent most if August in Ohio deep in the country. We had a great time, Avah fell in love with the cats and enjoyed riding on the gator. We took daily walks down the dirt road and she's just throw the hay in the air- reminded me what child hood use to look like. I played a lot outside with just nature around me.. My mom didn't take me to play dates or "play places" I'd play in the dirt, rain water, fields etc. Avah was def in her element with tons of room for roaming! We ended our last night with a cook out and fire. 
Now we are back to preschool, she's going 2 days a week 9-12pm. I joined a local gym where they have child care. Will be nice to get in a workout class a couple times a week too!