Friday, April 27, 2012

7 weeks, 1 day!

Mimi came to visit this week and boy did we have FUN! Avah has been smiling and cooing SO much as soon as Mimi held her she gave her a grin, it was too cute! :)

Since Avah is becoming more alert and aware of her surroundings we did a little shopping. I got her a baby einstein dvd which she will watch for the entire 28mins...she must have a good attention span. The dvd plays mozart music and shows reall bright vibrate colors. I also got her some soft rattle blocks so we can work on her grip. Mimi got her a dog that plays ABCs and songs too! Mimi also got her so more things for her room...I never completely finished the nursery because I was taking my time to find just what I we found a lamp and a few baskets for storage.

I am having so much fun with her, she is getting on a sleeping schedule...bath between 6-7, asleep by 9:30. Then she wakes up around 1am and 4am..goes back to sleep for anywhere around 7-9am. Then she is up for the day and will take a few naps throughout the afternoon. We just love her to pieces!!! Most days I put her in bed with us if she wakes up around 7am just to cuddle and talk to her...she is truely such a blessing.

While my mom was here D and I went out for a date night. As David was driving he looked in the backseat for it felt REALLY weird not having her in the car with us...but we did have a great time. Mostly talked about Avah and how we are so thankful for our little family.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

5 weeks....

Here is Avah at 5 weeks and 2 days new...this morning I had to put Avah in her Buckeye gear :) My dad bought Avah an entire closet full of Ohio State stuff, even a cheerleading outfit when she is 12 months <3 Daddy thinks its funny to take it all off when Im not looking...he thinks she is going to be a tarheel.

This morning Avah was WIDE awake, here she is checking out the t.v. she probably laid there and kept her eye on the tv for 15 mins or so...She is also smiling back at us and beginning to make those cooing sounds. Each day she she is more aware of her surroundings. She continues to be a great sleeper. She wakes up a few times but once she is fed and has a clean diaper she is right back to sleep.

Tomorrow I have plans to venture out for a couple hours-mani & time! I have left a few times but only to the gym which is a mile away..I LOVE spending my all my time with my baby girl but some time to myself is much deserved! Being a mommy is the best job in the world, at this point I cant imagine doing anything else.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

3 Weeks & 4 days

This week Avah is staying awake longer during the day and continues to sleep soundly at night :)

-Tomorrow we are headed to the ped for her diaper rash :( Ive tried everything, even having her lay on a towel to air it out...nothing is working!!

-Today we shopped at Mayfaire, she slept the WHOLE TIME...I had to pick up a gift for a friend and a few things for Avah at Gap. I LOVE their baby clothes, even the boy stuff is super cute!

-We are still working on the eating schedule...past few nights she was cluster feeding again... so frustrating!

-I started pumping this week and had a whole hour to myself at the gym... HAPPY MOMMY :)