Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Our growing girl

Avah finally had her 15 month well check and she is 31 inches and 21 lbs! She is always on the go- except during story time. {Which is my favorite} she loves sitting in my lap cross cross and we read the same 20 books over and over. Seriously I counted them today. She loves hearing the same books and many of them she knows the title when I ask her to get a specific book AND she will say a word for what comes next like in Pumpkin Day Mouse right when I turn the page she says Boo! Which is right, it's the first word on the page. :) for Brown Bear she waits for me to say ribbit on the frog page. So smart!
Her new thing is monkey.. If you say the word she sticks her arm up and makes the sound.
For Father's Day we went to breakfast, the beach and grilled out. Daddy got an edger for the yard, yay! He's the best Dada seriously I thank God everyday for him and Avah. Going to work is a lot easier knowing she gets one on one time with him. Hes done such a good job modeling what I do {not that he needs it BUT I read the books so he listens :)}
I'm so excited to have all summer with her.. Today the 3 of us went to the children's museum and bought a year pass. We will definitely get a lot of use from it on rainy days and they have toddler time once a week.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Avah at 15 months

Lets see... She is already diggin the game of golf. We ask her "you wanna play golf?" She grabs her miniature club and ball and proceeds to back up to us so we can help her swing! It's so cute, hope she continues to love it..
She got her molars on the top and first ear infection, why didn't anyone warn me? What a horrid couple of weeks...
She signs more for everything! Loves tortilla chips and yes wants to dip her chip in salsa! Crazy! I could've cried when she ate that processed chip but I guess she isn't a baby anymore so it was going to happen!
Loves to give hugs to every little kid at the park, she has the sweetest personality and keeps us laughing often!
Her happy place = beach and the water :) and cries to go outside what seems like every minute.. Which can be exhausting .. So we purchase discipline novels lol which are no help. How do you get a toddler to understand tantrums do not equal getting their way?!?
We have her dr appt on the 17th, excited to see how much she's grown!!