Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring Break thus far..

L o v i n g it!! Just a little dose of what summer entails, I cannot wait! There have been Easter hunts, golf dates, spinning classes, children's museum, play dates and dinners out! Here's a photo dump!

13 months, 2 weeks!

I've been so slack I'm blogging lately, partially due to the amazing weather we've had and business of the house (David's working a night now) But I thought i just had to write up a few of "Avah-isms" so I don't forget!

Says hello is all people and things- literally. We can't sit at dinner without her greeting everyone. It's quite cute, hopefully the strangers enjoy it too. She says hello everyone she sees a cell phone as well :) she brings Dada his cell and remote, interesting huh?!? Haha she's very much an outgoing baby!
She loves must food- still can't disguise the avocado but she even drank some of my green spinach smoothie!
Her current words are.. Hello, hey, bird, ball, mama, dada, nana, Elmo and she says goes ruff ruff when u ask her what dogs make. She runs to fridge when you ask if she's hungry and runs to the changing table if she needs a diaper change. We think she's a genius but were a little bias ;)