Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A YEAR??!! Already??!!

So Adalyn will be one in just a week- this truly has been the fastest year of my life. Even when I think back to her birth- labored maybe 30 mins, pushed once.. In and out of the hospital in maybe a day and half.. It was ALL fast and a blur. I certainly don't want our entire life with these two to go by in a blink of an eye like everyone says it will! 
Addy is sweet and very sensitive- she will cry if you tell her no & if she barely bumps her head.
She is curious and brave--she will crawl to other rooms leaving us behind.. She is more cautious when it comes to walking.. Taking a couple steps then goes to her knees. Shes a content baby. She will already play by herself. She loves books just like Avah. She loves pasta just like Avah too. She is the best sleeper. She is smiley and friendly, waves bye-bye. Loves to imitate everything we do, picks up the phone says hello. Bath time is always a favorite! 
She is the perfect "little sister" I know God knew what he was doing when he gave her to us! She is easy, she is a sleeper and she can easily adjust to any surroundings. In just her first year we stayed in Ohio (2 diff places, 4 trips) & FL (2 diff places) and she did amazing all times! We love you Adalyn Rose!!!!