Thursday, December 22, 2011

28 Weeks 5 days..

Sorry I havent been updating as often... now that Im on Christmas break I can get everyone up to date! I entered into the 3rd trimester this week! wooohooo, not much longer until we get to meet our baby girl :) She is moving around ALL day...luckily at night she is allowing me to get some rest! "They" say the final trimester is back to to feeling uncomfortable and tired...I am def starting to feel uncomfortable...lots of back pain...braxton hicks etc. but Im trying not to focus all my energry on that and keep moving! Prenatal yoga has helped tremendously and I am still forcing myself into the gym both of which make me feel 100% better. This past week David and I went to a prenatal partner yoga class, this class was GREAT! Our instructor showed us somethings to do with the birthing ball, stretches we can do together (which D actually likes too) and overall brought us one step closer in the birthing process. :)

Baby girl is approximately 15 inches head to toe and weighs approx 2.5 lbs. I on the other hand have gained a total of 20 lbs now!, weighing in at 140lbs!!! WOW, never thought Id see that number on the scale ;) Hoping Im not lectured at the doctor because I am techinally only supposed to gain 25 total. Oh well, as long as she is healthy and kicking what can I do?!

Something I feel like I should share....
In the past my sister Susan had always told me "you just wait until your become a NEVER stop worrying...its always think of what bad could happen" I would always laugh at her because she'd going around her house a million times making sure all windowns/doors were locked...she'd call if I had the boys at the beach and remind me they could only go so far..I knew it wasnt me she didnt trust she was just being worried. Now I get it, I have always said my prayers..maybe not as often as I should but I believe everything is out of my power..and God is in control. So now as I enter into motherhood I am constantly praying..talking to to God just asking to please keep my family safe & healthy. The more I pray the more I realize okay there isnt a point in worrying...whatever is supposed to happen will and its out of our control...which is VERY comforting :)

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