Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Ultrasound!

Baby L's 1st picture!
Today was such an exiting day for us! We got to see little Baby Longo for the first time, we could see the heart beating along with his/her head and limbs. There was def some tears of relief shed just seeing that everything was okay. We saw Dr. Wilson whom I could tell I really liked! Hopefully he is on call when I deliver. He did say he had never heard of The Ohio State Univ. but I think we all know he is just suppressing his love like everyone else. LOL. I could tell he thoroughly read over my chart before coming in. He knew my history down to a tee. Since my nephew had a very serious heart condition and was born with one coronary artery and my sister had a very serious embolism and cardiomyopathy during delivery he suggested I see the fetal med. Dr on the 17th. This Dr. will check the baby's heart for any abnormalities and then I will have my heart checked but another Dr. in a few weeks. I feel confident that everything will be okay but if there was something wrong that the Dr's could be prepared when I deliver. :)
I cant get over how fast the baby grows and how all the amazing changes are happening between me and the baby all at the same time. It is truely the best experience anyone can go through. (that is if you know what is actually happening) I was surprised when the nurse told us that most people dont read the books..how could you NOT want to know what is happening in your own body?!
Im feeling pretty good and my energy is coming back. I find if I stay busy I think less about being tired and get more accomplished. I've felt less nauseous in the past week which is great!! I've been craving pickles, juice drinks and bagels. Not the healthiest things, so Ive been making sure to add protein to the bagels and bought the 50/50 calorie OJ.

Baby L is the size of an olive. The liver, spleen and gallbladder are forming and the arms/legs can make spontaneous movements although its a while before I can feel anything.
I still havent gained any weight and actually might have lost a couple. I weighed 121 this morning at the Dr. Oh and one more thing...David has kinda convinced me that we should make his/her arrival a surprise...so I am 99% sure we are not going to find out the sex...until I get an itch for shopping..that could change.

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